Tel: (01768) 895000

Customer Testimonials

We would like to thank you for your efficient service, but especially our thanks and appreciation to Stephen Dudson for his attention to all the details and courteous manner at all times,it was a pleasure to work with him.

Please pass on our thanks to him and to the management team as a whole.

Yours Pat & Trevor

4 Grange Park, Keswick, Cumbria - 02/07/2016

Just want to say how thilled i am with the work that has been carried out, and for all the help and advice.

People dont always get the thanks and appreciation for what they do, your staff are always willing to help.

Many thanks

Mrs Kelso

Mr Muir, Ireby, Wigton - 30.10.2017

I would like to thank you so much for everything you have done. We are so pleased with the deck, it has surpassed all our hopes. I know it will be a pleasure to use for many years to come and has made a vast improvement to our outside space. Your dedication to our project has been outstanding, you have certainly gone the extra mile both figuratively and literally to make our project a success.

You are a very kind and thoughtful person, who we are very glad to have met.

With our very best wishes,

Sue & Roy

Sue & Roy Taylor, Kendal - 22.05.2019